Alter do chao

Hello everyone! Last sunday we were at Alter do chao which is a kind of beach resort. It was really fun, especially the banana boat ride. Tomorrow we’ll upload some pictures from a visit to a site near Santarém!

Bom-futuro dig

Hello everyone! During the last few days we’ve been busy with the bom-futuro excavation. The site is very interesting and we’re about to see what’s in the soil after some more excavations. Here are some pictures, there’ll be more to come!



Today its raining here in Santarem, so we take the time to write our Bachelor thesis. Tomorrow we are going out to our frist excavation site in the Amazon forest! Pics will be uploaded soon!


Hola! Today we spent some time in the university in Santarém. We saw the archaeological department and the enormous amount of archaeological materials they have there. We also visited a nearby site and worked with the measuring equipment and learned a bit about Brazilian excavation methods. One thing that stand out about their methods that we don’t have in Sweden is that they very often use machétes to clear paths in the vegetation!



Hello, everyone! Here are some pictures from the trip and arrival in Santarém. There will be more to come in the following days! Weather today was about 35*c, quite different from the near 0*c in the town we originally departed from.